Monday, December 30, 2019

Feeling right makes us happier than feeling good, study finds

Feeling right makes us happier than feeling good, study findsFeeling right makes us happier than feeling good, study findsBeing happy doesnt always mean sunshine and smiles. According to new wellbeing research published in theJournal of Experimental Psychology, feeling positive emotions is not the way to win the pursuit of happiness - getting to express the emotions you want to, however, is.Although conventional wisdom on happiness links the state of wellbeing to feeling good, the researchers in this study wanted to test the ancient wisdom Aristotle once gave on the subject that feeling content and happy means having feelings at the right times on the right grounds towards the right people for the right motive and in the right way.In other words, emotions like anger and sadness can lead to happiness if these emotions are consistent with your values, because feeling in tune with yourself helps you feel happy.To test this, researchers got 2,324 participants from eight countries to fil l out surveys on what emotions they felt and what they wanted to feel in their day-to-day lives. What they found is that people who had greater discrepancies between their experienced and desired emotions had lower life satisfaction and more depressive symptoms.Expressing how you feel matters more than how good you feelIt didnt matter how much participants reported feeling self-transcending emotions like love, trust, and compassion if that wasnt their desired emotion. Getting to express how they felt in their heads out loud in their lives made more of a difference than how many pleasant emotions they were feeling.What this study proves is that we all have different definitions of happiness. Some participants valued and wanted to feel more self-enhancing emotions like anger and contempt, while some participants valued power and achievement and wanted to feel more pride. If they felt rage in their hearts and they got to express it in their lives, they were happy.This study is consiste nt with previous happiness research that self-help author, blogger, and podcaster Gretchen Rubin has done. Rubin has made a career out of studying how to link happiness to habits and what shes found is that we all have different value systems that define what make us fulfilled and happy.There is no one-size-fits-all solution, Rubin has said herresearch has found. We can only be happy, healthy, creative and productive if we take into account our own nature, our own values and interests. The question is what kind of person am I, what works for me, what do I care about?

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

This is how to make friends as an adult 5 secrets backed by research

This is how to make friends as an adult 5 secrets backed by researchThis is how to make friends as an adult 5 secrets backed by researchWhen you were a kid it welches a lot easier. In college, you alfruchtwein had to be tryingnotto make friends. But then youre an adult. You get busy with work. Yur friends get busy with work. People get married. Have kids. And pretty soon being close means a text message twice a year.Youre not aloneOr, actually, the whole point of this is you really may be alone. But youre not alone in being alone. These days were all alone together. In 1985 most people said they had 3 close friends. In 2004 the most common number waszero.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreViaSocial Why Our Brains Are Wired to ConnectIn a survey given in 1985, people were asked to list their friends in response to the question Over the last six months, who are the people with whom y ou discussed matters important to you? The most common number of friends listed was three 59 percent of respondents listed three or more friends fitting this description. The same survey was given again in 2004. This time the most common number of friends was zero. And only 37 percent of respondents listed three or more friends. Back in 1985, only 10 percent indicated that they had zero confidants. In 2004, this number skyrocketed to 25 percent. One out of every four of us is walking around with no one to share our lives with.Friends are important. Nobody would dispute that.ButI doubt you know howveryimportant they are.So lets see just how critical friends can be- and the scientifically-backed ways to get more of them in your lifeLoneliness Is A KillerWhen people are dying, what do theyregret the most? Coming in at 4 isI wish I had stayed in quntchen with my friends.And neglecting your friends can make those deathbed regrets come alotsooner than youd like. When I spoke toCarlin Flo ra, author ofFriendfluence The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We Are, she told meJulianne Holt-Lunstad did a meta-analysis of social support and health outcomes and found that not having enough friends or having a weak social circle is the same risk factor as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.Maybe your grandparents lived to 100 and you take good care of yourself. Youre healthy. But if you want those years to be full of smiles, you need to invest in friendship. 70% of your happiness comes from relationships.ViaThe 100 Simple Secrets of Happy PeopleContrary to the belief that happiness is hard to explain, or that it depends on having great wealth, researchers have identified the core factors in a happy life. The primary components are number of friends, closeness of friends, closeness of family, and relationships with co-workers and neighbors. Togetherthese features explain about 70 percent of rolleal happiness. Murray and Peacock 1996The Grant Study at Harvard has followeda group of men for their entire lives. The guy who led the study for a few decades, George Vaillant, was asked, What have you learned from the Grant Study men? Vaillantsresponse?That the only thing that really matters in life are your relationships to other people.So friendshipsare really really really important. But maybe youre not worried. Maybe you have lots of friends. Guess what?Inseven years, half of your close friendswont be close to youanymore.ViaFriendfluence The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We AreA study by a Dutch sociologist who tracked about a thousand people of all ages found that on average, we lose half of our close network members every seven years. To think that half of the people currently on your most dialed list will fade out of your life in less than a decade is frightening indeed.Ouch.Scared yet? I am.(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling bookhere.)So what do we do? (No, going back to college is not the answer.) How do we make new friends as adults?1) The New Starts With The OldThe first step to making new friends is dont. Instead,reconnect with old friendsThese findings suggest that dormantrelationships often overlooked or underutilized can be a valuable source of knowledge and social capital.Doing this is easy, its not scary, theyre people you already have a history with, and it doesnt take a lot of time or work to get to know them. Go to Facebook or LinkedIn for ideas and then send some texts. Boom. You already have more friends.If youre going to be strategic, who should you prioritize? You probably met a disproportionatenumber of your friends through just a handful of people. Those are your superconnectors.Rekindle thoserelationships. And then ask them if theres anyone you should meet. Next time you get together, see if that new person can come along. Not. Hard. At. All.(To learn how to deal with a narcissist, clickhere.)But maybe this feels a little awkward. Maybe your friendship muscles have atrophied. Maybe you werent great at making friends in the first place. So what really makes people click?2)Listen, Seek Similarity, andCelebrateClicking with people is a lot less about you and a lot more about focusing on them.Dont be interesting. Be interested.And what are the best ways to do that?Listen, Seek Similarity, and Celebrate.Studiesshow being likable can be as easy aslistening to people and asking them to tell you more.Andmountains of researchshow similarity is critical. So when they mention something you have in common, point it out.Finally, celebrate the positive. When someone talks about the good things in their life, be enthusiastic and encouraging.ViaThe Myths of HappinessThe surprising finding is that the closest, most intimate, and most trusting relationships appear to be distinguished not by how the partners respond to each others disappointments, losses, and reversals but how they react to good news.(To learn more about how to be someone people love to talk to , clickhere.)Alright, your superconnectors are making introductions and youre clicking. But how do you get close to these new people? Weve all met people we thought were coolbut just didnt know how to take it to the next level and go from acquaintance to friend. Its simple, but not necessarily easy3)Be VulnerableOpen up a bit. Dont go full TMI, but make yourself a little bit vulnerable. Nobody becomes besties by only discussing the weather.Close friends are what leads to personal discussions. But personal discussions are also what leads toclose friends.ViaClick The Magic of Instant ConnectionsAllowing yourself to be vulnerable helps the other person to trust you, preciselybecauseyou are putting yourself at emotional, psychological, or physical risk. Other people tend to react by being more open and vulnerable themselves. The fact that both of you are letting down your guard helps to lay the groundwork for a faster, closer personal connection.Close friends have a goodif-then profile of each other. Once you have an idea of if someone was in situation X, then they would display behavior Y, that means youre really starting to understand them. And this leads to good friendshipsPeople who had more knowledge of their friends if-then profile of triggers had better relationships. They had less conflict with the friend and less frustration with the relationship.How many close friends do you need? If we go by the science, you want to aim for at least five.ViaFinding Flow The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday LifeNational surveys find that when someone claims to have five or more friends with whom they can discuss important problems, they are 60 percent more likely to say that they are very happy.(To learn the lazy way to an awesome life, clickhere.)So you have new friends. Awesome. Now how do you not screw this up?4) Dont Be A StrangerFirst and foremostmake the time. Whats the most common thingfriends fight about? Time commitments.ViaFriendfluence The Surprising Way s Friends Make Us Who We AreDaniel Hruschka reviewed studies on the causes of conflict in friendship and found that the most common friendship fights boil down to time commitments. Spending time with someone is a sure indicator that you value him no one likes to feel undervalued.You need to keep in touch. (Remember not keeping in touchis how you got into this problem in the first place.)If you want to stay close friends with someone, how often do you need tocheck in?Researchsays at least every two weeks.(To learn the four rituals neuroscience says will make you happy, clickhere.)So even if you need to set a reminder on your calendar, check in every two weeks. But, actually, theres a better way tomake sure you dont forget5) Start AGroupDenmark has the happiest people in the world. (Im guessing Hamlet was an exception.) Why are Danes so happy? One reason is that 92% of them are members of some kind of social group.ViaEngineering Happiness A New Approach for Building a Joyful LifeThe s ociologist Ruut Veenhoven and his kollektiv have collected happiness data from ninety-one countries, representing two-thirds of the worlds population. He has concluded that Denmark is home to the happiest people in the world, with Switzerland close behindInterestingly enough, one of the more detailed points of the research found that 92 percent of the people in Denmark are members of some sort of group, ranging from sports to cultural interests. To avoid loneliness, we must seek active social lives, maintain friendships, and enjoy stable relationships.And whats the best way to make sure youre in a group? Start one. That makes it a lot easier to stay in touch and a lot easier to manage those big 5 friendships with 20% of the effort.A weekly lunch. A monthly sewing circle. A quarterlymovie night. Whatever works. Friends bring friends and suddenly its not so hard to meet cool new people. And who does everyone have to thank for this? You.And make the effort to keep that group solid for everyone.Manystudiesshow older people are happier. Whats one of the reasons? They prune the jerks out of their social circlesOther studies have discovered that as people age, they seek out situations that will lift their moods - for instance, pruning social circles of friends or acquaintances who might bring them down.(To learn the 6 rituals ancient wisdom says will make you happy, clickhere.)Alright, popular kid, weve learned a lot. Lets round it up and find out how to keep your new friendships alive over the long haulSum UpHeres how to make friends as an adultThe new starts with the old Touch base with old friends and leverage your superconnectors.Listen, seek similarity and celebrate Dont be interesting. Be interested.Be vulnerable Open up a bit. Formanif-then profile.Dont be a stranger Check in every two weeks, minimum.Start a group Things that are habits get done. So start a group habit.What doesCarlin Flora, author ofFriendfluence, say is the number one tip for keeping friend ships alive?Reach out to your good friends and tell them how much they mean to you. Its just not something were accustomed to doing. Itll make you feel great, itll make them feel great and it will strengthen the bond between you.Be more giving to the friends you already have. People in romantic relationships always celebrate anniversaries, yet you might have a friend for 15 years and youve probably never gone out to dinner and raised a glass to that. We need to cherish our friendships more.Okay, youre done reading. Time to startdoing. Reach out to a friend right now. Send them this post and letem know you want to get together.Listen to what theyve been up to. Celebrate their good news.Offer to help them out with something.After all, thats what friends are for.Join over 285,000 readers.Get a free weekly update via emailhere.This article first appeared on Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Why Mentoring Is the Key to Achieving Your Career Goals

Why supervision Is the Key to Achieving Your Career Goals Why Mentoring Is the Key to Achieving Your Career Goals Earlier in my career, I asked myself, What am I doing thatis getting in the way of me reaching my goal as a leader? I posed that question to a colleague I respected, who responded,Have you ever asked anyone for help? That simple question made a huge impact on me.Even if youve never been involved in a formal beratering program, youve had mentors along the way. A teacher, a colleague, a boss, a friend with a particular experience or skill tischset All of these people can act as mentors, guiding you along your journey to reach your goal.When you set out to achieve career success, finding a mentor is critical to your personal development. However, it can seem like a daunting task. Where do you start? What do you ask? Who qualifies for such a role?Heres the secret The whole process of mentoring is actually much easier than you think.The Importance of Mentoring - on Both Sid esMentoring impacted me, and not only from a career standpoint. Mentoring has led to different behavior in my personal life. The more you are mentored, the more you realize there is equal value in serving as a mentor yourself.Mentoring - both for thementor and for the one who is mentored - engages us on a human level. It addresses two separate but often intertwined human urges the drive to get better and the desire to help others.As we look up to others for guidance, we should also be looking below and sideways to provide guidance ourselves. It is not only good for the soul to do this, but there is also a practical side The people you mentor will eventually advance and become good industry contacts.8 Ways to Make the fruchtwein of MentoringHere are some things I have learned about mentoring - some I learned while being mentored, and some I learned as a mentor1. Mentoring Can Be Both Formal and InformalThere are many fine, formal mentoring programs organized bycompanies and profes sional societies, but there are also informal opportunitiesthat can be of equal and perhaps even greater value.Maybe there is someonewho has a skill or capability you admire. Consider asking them if they have time for a meeting over coffee. Then, ask them about their career path - what worked for them, what didnt, and whether they have recommendations they would make to someone who is developing in their own career.Im not sure if my informal mentors knew they were mentors to me, but I appreciated their time and wisdom, and I learned a lot by connecting informally, listening to their stories, and soliciting their advice.2. Be Clear on Your Mentoring GoalsKnow what youd like to learn from a mentor, whether its how to influence others, how to present new ideas or concepts, or something else entirely. Share your goals with your mentor so they know how to help youreach them. In most formal mentoring relationships, the goals you want to achieve should be clear so progress can be measured along the way.3. Learn From Negative ExamplesYou can learn from anyone - even people you didnt really like working for or alongside. In fact, these negative examples can teach you a lot about the professional and personal pitfalls to avoid in life. Seeing and experiencing things I didnt like made me think about the behaviors I didnt want to exhibit as a leader.4. Look for Opportunities to Be a Mentor YourselfMentoring doesnt always come by looking up in an organization. Dont look up all the time Look down and sideways, too.Opportunities to mentor others can come from being a resource to new employees joining the organization.We have all been in that situation, and most of us would have appreciated having a buddy to help us navigate a new company or role. Your helpfulness will be returned many times over.5. Confidentially Is KeyConfidentiality is an essential component of mentoring, andthat may mean that you will need to seek a mentor outside of your immediate chain of command. The mentor/mentee relationship should be a safe space, a circle of trust.There is another benefit to having a mentor outside your reporting chain, tooThey may be able to share what they know about you with other people in the organization. Its great to have advocates across the organizationwho can speak highly of you and your accomplishments.6. Trust Your AdvocatesAs indicated above, a mentor can talk on your behalf. As one mentor put it to me, its a matter of building your fan club. Bosses appreciate hearing positive feedback about you from others.7. Dont Be Afraid to Ask Someone to Be Your MentorEven if its someone at a senior level. Senior-level people are easier to reach for help than you might think. You may not find them available at your company, but they can be found informally in your social circles and community life.Every senior-level person with whom I have spoken has told me getting to where they are was never easy. Most have had their setbacks along the way, and they can share with you how they bounced backin the face of adversity.8. Be Open to ListeningAgain, mentors can be found anywhere. Once you have foundone, you have to listen to what they have to say.- I could go on and on, but let me stop myself and end on this final noteA mentor can provide a fresh perspective they can point out new things you hadnt considered before.Being amentoror a mentee puts you in a position to teach and communicate, which makes you a better professional.So go ahead. Get mentored, and become one yourself. It will be a game-changer in your life.Cheryl Middleton Jones is chief people officer for CO-OP Financial Services.

Monday, December 16, 2019

This is how many coworkers are judging you for your music choices

This is how many coworkers are judging you for your music choicesThis is how many coworkers are judging you for your music choicesThere have been many studies that prove that listening to certain types of music at work can help increase productivity. But what kind of music encourages your coworkers to judge you for your tastes? Or if it is music being played on an office playlist do they perhaps not find it to be very productivity-inducing but rather more distracting?Well, Cloud Cover Music surveyed 1,005 employees and employers about workplace musics effect on their productivity, as well as the audio to which they preferred listening and found some very interesting facts.First of all,according to the study, the majority of people listened to music while they worked, with around 42% listening to some form of media the entire workday. Some offices do dictate theplaylist, but roughly 82% of employed people said they were allowed to listen to their own audio if they wanted. Nearly 80% o f those surveyed believes music does increase productivity while only 4.2% said it makes them less productive.As for what kind of music inspired the fruchtwein productivity, it was classic rock for the win followed by alternative, pop, and classical. The most distracting was found to be hip-hop. Take a look at the rest of the results below.Music brings people together and tears them apartAnd though music can bring people together it can also really tear them apart.Almost 59% of employees connected more easily with co-workers or superiors who shared their tastes in music, and employers agreed 65% connected more easily when tastes were shared.However,26% judged others for their music preferences and over a third believed their team was unified by their workplace playlist.Noise-canceling everythingOf course, there are also people who just use music or headphones so they dont have to interact with other humans all day. Over 55% of people used headphones at work regularly with 46% of t hem specifically using them to avoid conversations at work. Industries where people tended to use headphones to avoid human contact the most were government and public administration followed by transportation and warehousing, technology, scientific and marketing, and advertising. Check out the rest in the image below.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

3 Common Job Scams on LinkedIn to Avoid

3 Common Job Scams on LinkedIn to Avoid3 Common Job Scams on LinkedIn to AvoidHere are three common job scams on LinkedIn and how to avoid them.The African Prince Job Scam If youve ever gotten an email at 300 a.m. urging you to help an African prince transfer his life savings into your bank account, youre notlage alone. And now, the same scammers are targeting professionals on LinkedIn with fake personas like doctors living in Dubai who promise that if you only help them out, theyll share a huge amount of money with you.Many people have fallen victim to this type of scam, which operates on peoples trust and the promise of quick, easy money. Once you divulge your bank info, the scammers will swoop down and withdraw every single cent from your account.What you should doIf you receive these emails, its best to just ignore them or send them directly to your spam folder. If you receive the message through LinkedIns mail system, you can flag it as an inappropriate contact. If you engage wi th the person sending it, theyll continue corresponding with you and it can be tricky to get them to leave you alone. If you want, you can always report the job scam to your local Better geschftliches miteinander Bureau.And after all, doesnt this African prince have friends with whom he can trust his fortune?The Work for Free Job ScamYouve primed your LinkedIn profile to show that youre looking for work. Out of the blue, a company contacts you through LinkedIn to extend a job interview to you based on your profile and qualifications. You go through the entire job process and are hired. Youre not asked for your bank account info, nor are there other signs that the job might be a scam. You work for a few weeks in your freelance job, but when it comes time to receive your paycheck, you get bupkis in return.This happened to Irene, a job binnenseeker who had already been working from home for a legitimate company for years. She told us, The sales manager contacted me through my LinkedIn profile and the owner interviewed and hired me. It was all outbound calling. I worked for them for three weeks and two days, and out of the blue got a phone call they decided to go in a different direction and said they would send my paycheck. It never arrived.The sales manager contacted me through my LinkedIn profile and the owner interviewed and hired me. It was all outbound calling. I worked for them for three weeks and two days, and out of the blue got a phone call they decided to go in a different direction and said they would send my paycheck. It never arrived. See more at http// sales manager contacted me through my LinkedIn profile and the owner interviewed and hired me. It was all outbound calling. I worked for them for three weeks and two days, and out of the blue got a phone call they decided to go in a different direction and said they would send my paycheck. It never arrive d. See more at http// sales manager contacted me through my LinkedIn profile and the owner interviewed and hired me. It was all outbound calling. I worked for them for three weeks and two days, and out of the blue got a phone call they decided to go in a different direction and said they would send my paycheck. It never arrived. See more at http// sales manager contacted me through my LinkedIn profile and the owner interviewed and hired me. It was all outbound calling. I worked for them for three weeks and two days, and out of the blue got a phone call they decided to go in a different direction and said they would send my paycheck. It never arrived. See more at http//, after being scammed on LinkedIn, she wound up using to find a legitimate work-from-home job.Its important to note that not all job scams mean that youll fork over your hard-earned money. Sometimes the scam comes in the form of actually working for free (unbeknownst to you), and then the company will disappear or discontinue your employment as a way to avoid paying you. Thing is, as an independent contractor, you have very limited, if any, rights. In the end it can cost you more to sue the company than what is owed to you.What you should doAs with any potential job offer, you should do your due diligence ahead of time. Check out the company online by visiting the Better Business Bureau to get a sense if its legit or not. You can even Google the companys name along with the words rip-off or scam to see what comes up. Look for other employees on LinkedIn to see if their profiles are real or fake. From there, you should have a good sense if this is a real job opportunity or not. And NEVER let a company rus h you into making a rash decision. Scammers count on desperate job seekers not thinking things through, so be sure to walk away if youre ever pressured into accepting a job on the spot without being able to research the company.Scam Messages in LinkedIn GroupsYou share your thoughts, ideas, and best how-to-find-a-job tips with your fellow job seekers in LinkedIn groups. Unfortunately, you may have more foes than friends in your LinkedIn circles. Job scammers have started infiltrating job groups pretending to be fellow job seekers who are offering helpful advice and job leads to unsuspecting users.There are a few ways to spot the scammers. Be wary of anyone with a profile that doesnt have a photo or has only a handful of connections. If they are offering a lead to a job that seems too good to be true (e.g., Earn $5,000 with simple mouse clicks), it almost always is. Thats why its a safer bet to go with a reputable job search board such as, where the jobs are hand-screened to ensure t hat they are 100 percent legitimate and scam-free.What you should doTough times can make even the savviest job seeker desperate. But dont let your desperation blind you from the warning signs of a job scam. Check out the profile of the poster to see if its real or not, and then Google the persons name along with the company name to see what comes up. Do your research to see if other people have been similarly scammed. And above all, trust your instincts. If it seems too good to be true, it generally is.While you may think that youre safe among the millions of other professionals on LinkedIn, you need to be aware that job scammers lurk among them, too. Use your common sense to ensure that you dont get scammed in your pursuit of a work-at-home job- and work-life balance.Readers, have you seen jobs scams on LinkedIn? Or do you know someone who has been scammed? Let us know about your experiences in the comments section below

Friday, December 6, 2019

One of the Most Incredibly Ignored Solutions for How to Organize Resume

One of the Most Incredibly Ignored Solutions for How to Organize Resume If you dont have relevant work experience, set the skills section close to the peak of your resume. There are lots of standard kinds of resumes you may use to make an application for job openings. At the peak of the resume is a list of a persons skills and qualifications. Creating a resume for the very first time can be challenging as its tricky to ascertain the most significant information employers wish to binnensee in a nurses resume. Consider how lots of people you managed. All you need to know is when to use each strategy. The very last thing that you want to do is receive a job that you cant do. Sometimes people have several jobs that overlap. Job-related letters arent restricted to application and cover letter formats for job hunters and prospective employees. Because youre asking about chronological resumes, I will provide you with a brief answer. Think of the skills you need to use daily, and de termine a few job titles that encompass them. There are a lot of transferable skills gained though leadership positions in clubsand you will need to be certain to highlight them in a different section. Throughout your career for a payroll specialist, you will obtain both company-specific and industry-general training. If you would like to be a payroll specialist, then your payroll specialist resume must demonstrate you have a strong awareness of responsibility and the skills necessary to be sure all employees are paid punctually and in full. Its a fact-based resume that allows employers to rapidly skim through and find a sense of your work experience and qualifications. While you could have a good deal of work experience, its likely in a different industry. It is a good idea to limit your career information to the past ten years unless there are unusual conditions. A chronological resume works best when youve got an extensive work history thats in the exact same line of work a s the job for which youre applying. Top How to Organize Resume Secrets There are some distinct forms of skill sections and formatting alternatives that you need to think about when crafting your resume. Some companies homepages include a form which you can complete online and submit, which is a sort of electronic resume. The duration of your resume Consider the sum of information that you want to include in your resume. You must keep your resume short and sweet, but still consist of enough high quality information to produce an impression. You may also feel free to incorporate any certification courses youve completed in recent ages provided that your certifications continue to be valid. Being aware of what to have in your portfolio can be especially hard. Our creating company comprises all fonts of academic creating. Its important that you know whether a particular company prefers creative or more traditional resume formats, so make certain you research the business thoroug hly before submitting a creative resume. How to Organize Resume Secrets As a consequence, gaining customized essay creating suggestions is important to score extra. There are many unique methods to organize the info on your resume, but the superior old reverse chronological (where your latest experience is listed first) is still your best option. Before you can properly include things like organizational skills in your resume, you want to have the ability to identify your special skill collection. When you will will require any creating service you need to determine the preceding functionality of your organization. Writing an application letter is similar to telling a story, and so as to tell a very good story thats easy to comprehend, there must be coherence. Resume examples will be able to help you see what type of content you should put in your document. Only youre going to be in a position to now locate an economical essay writing support in a moment Dont make the error of writing a 2-page essay on why you ought to get hired.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

4 Tips for Interviewing Recent Graduates

4 Tips for Interviewing Recent Graduates Some job interview basics are universal when it comes to the recruitment process Good on time or slightly early, attentive eye contactBadlate or very early, no eye contact or a laser stareOf course, if interviewers know those nuts-and-bolts level tactics, job seekers attending the interview probably know those basics too. This goes double for recent college graduates who come freshly prepared from career services centers at their schools.So, how to distinguish from entry-level job seekers who have simply gone through good interview training, versus those who had training but also have the capacity to be great first-year employees? Here are a few tips to help you dig under the practice-polished surface1. Promising job seekers speak positively. Listen to how the job seeker speaks and whether it is fruchtweinly positive. Dont just pay attention to his or her thoughts on past internships or summer job experiences (because most interview training will teach candidates to speak positively about this). Also key in to how job seekers speak about themselves.The first full-time job out of school can be a scary prospect for some, and thats okay. Intimidated or not, the best prospective employees meet challenges head on because they have a positive sense of self worth, which their speech reflects.2. Great entry-level employees are team players. For the most part, entry-level jobs are not lone-wolf operations. Whether in training with a superior or working to erleichterung senior staff, it is rare that the first-year employee will do much totally on his or her own.That being the case, the graduates interviewing for your junior marketing associate or sales team support roles should be able to enthusiastically discuss past experience of working with a team. Even if the only example they have revolves around a school project, how they feel about ope rating in a group setting should be readily apparent, for good or bad.3. Research is the mark of a hard worker. Have questions for your interviewer is another of those interviewing basics that everyone knows. You can write off as incurious the job seeker who arrives to your interview with no questions whatsoever about your company or the position (other than what are the hours? or what does it pay?).So how do you discern the questions that mean this job seeker really put effort into pre-interview research? Do some of your own research. Before beginning interviews, take an hour or two and poke around Google. See what immediately pops up about your company or industry, then see whats a little deeper into the links.If a job seeker comes in with a question that can be answered by reading the three-sentence summary section on the Wikipedia article about your industry, you know he or she probably didnt get very far in his or her research before getting distracted.4. Its easy to fake enthu siasm, but its hard to fake genuine interest. The appearance of enthusiasm isnt tricky to manufacture. A firm handshake with a smile or a voluble Yes, absolutely to a second interview invitation take no effort and any job seeker with any interviewing know-how can pull it off for 30 minutes or so.More difficult to maintain is deeper intellectual or personal interest in either what your company does or what this entry-level position will allow the job seeker to do or to learn. For this reason, it is crucial to have at least two interviews, preferably with email communication and some sort of brief assignment in between, to gauge the dedication of the entry-level job seeker.If someone interviewing for an executive assistant position at your ad agency seems to know all about your blue chip clients, but just cant keep up the same level of enthusiasm about the responsibilities of those people hell be asked to support, you have a pretty clear indication of where his interests lie, and they arent in the position hes actually interviewing for.Some how-tos for interviewers seem to reside already in the collective subconscious. You would be hard pressed to find a recently coached entry-level interviewer who does not know that showing up in dirty clothing is a bad move. Paying attention to those basics will certainly weed out job seekers who barely put any effort into their interviewing prep. Further evaluations, such as those above, will help separate the practiced interviewers who might be okay employees from the practiced interviewers who will truly add value to your team.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Economy, Jobs Continue to Grow in Denver, Colorado

Economy, Jobs Continue to Grow in Denver, ColoradoEconomy, Jobs Continue to Grow in Denver, ColoradoFor nearly the brde 2 years Denver has been enjoying a steady economy. But in the last few months job growth is surging in Denver, growth unrivaled across much of the U.S. The Mile High City, is ascending. In December, Simply Hired again saw substantial increases in job listings in the Denver area. Over the course of last month some 73,180 jobs were available.At the close of each month we at Simply Hired like to take a look at our data to find insights into employment trends around the U.S. During December job openings grew 1.73% nationwide. The Simply Hired Employment Outlook shows good news in the new year for job seekers, said James Beriker, President and CEO of Simply Hired. Job listings grew 1.73% in December 2014, which is an important leading indicator of hiring in the months to come. Buoyed by more than a quarter of positive job growth, job seekers have significant opportunitie s for employment heading into 2015.The largest gains in job postings were found in Charlotte, NC (4.78%) and Washington, DC (4.43%). Job openings increased in 7 out of 18 industries in December 2014, with military (24.54%), non-profit (21.05%) and hospitality (8.48%) seeing the largest rise. Its no surprise that Denver also saw this increase in hospitality jobs, with ski season upon us. Vail Resorts were the 3 top job posting company in Denver during December.With all this growth, 2014 was an exceptional year for people in the Denver workforce. In fact, today Denver is facing labor shortages, indicating workers have options and can select the best opportunity for themselves and their families. These shortages appear to extend into even service industry jobs. But they can mean workers have a chance to advance and find more jobs, Were seeing (construction) workers go to higher paying jobs in other states, like Texas and North Dakota and to other industries, like oil and gas, according to Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce CEO Kelly Brough.But fear not. There are indications that well continue to see new workers joining the Denver workforce. Zillow recentlyannouncedthatDenvers 10.8 percent jump was the second highest percentage increase in total rent in the nation largest 25 large metro areas tracked. Coming in first was San Francisco. Which, we saw last month, is one of the most dynamic economies in the U.S. today. With hospitality leading the way, Denver looked poised to continue to be a destination for job seekers.Today Simply Hired shows the top hiring companies in Denver are Centura Health, Banner Health, Vail Resorts, and HealthOne.Click here to search for jobs in Denver.Read the full Employment Outlook Report.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Your comprehensive tax preparation to-do list

Your comprehensive tax preparation to-do listYour comprehensive tax preparation to-do listTax season is often the most stressful time of year for businesses. Ive seen it all at the company I co-founded to match growing companies to top freelance finance professionals founders of $20+ million businesses in tears because they found out they hadnt been making estimated tax payments over the course of the year and didnt have enough cash to pay the full tax bill $10 million businesses that havent filed their tax returns for five years an owner of a middle-market company who realized $200,000 in savings by implementing a new sales tax strategy their tax accountant and golf buddy of 20 years had missed.The anxiety is already palpable (and should be, given taxes are due on March 15 for S corps and partnerships and April 17 for C corps and individuals). I reached out to several of Paros tax experts to ask what businesses large and small need to focus on to make it through the season unscathed . Heres what they saidIts time to change your bad tax season habitsEvery year, the same thing happens the closer it comes to tax-filing time Tax preparers get a bunch of last-minute, frantic clients freaking out about getting their taxes paid on time. Business owners throw tax experts every document they can find, get frustrated when the tax preparers ask follow-up questions and request additional information (which they often dont have prepared) and end up filing late because they need a new bookkeeper and accountant to fix a multi-month (or sometimes multi-year) mess - elend to mention paying out the wazoo for tight turnarounds.Its time to get ahead of this headache. How? Preparation is absolutely key to tax success. So to help you prepare, weve compiled the13 most critical pieces of information you need to provide your tax preparer with. If you know right now that you do not or will have some of these elements, talk to your finance team, understand why and come up with a plan in the coming few weeks to get these items together.13 critical items your tax preparer needs from youTrial balance that reflects balances in each of your companys general ledger accountsReconciled statements for the entire year, including bank, investment, credit card and loan accountsDocumentation for transactions within the past year that are especially unique to prior yearsFixed assets purchased in the given tax year, with information necessary for depreciation, including the year put into service, whether asset was new or used, cost and weight (if a vehicle)Fixed assets disposed of in a given tax year, with the same details as needed for asset purchasesLoan documentation that reflects principal versus interest paymentsPayroll tax returns for each quarter with form 941Sales tax returns from throughout the yearAging details for accounts receivable and accounts payableNew rental, equipment lease or utility agreements and related prepaid expensesDistributions to partners or ownersAll 1099 contractor information(1099s were due January 31Heres what you need to know.)And, finally, if youre filing taxes on a cash grund but like to analyze your business on an accrual basis, be prepared to explain any adjustments that the tax accountant needs to back out to file on a cash basis.If youre looking at this list and feeling a sense of dread, chances are your bookkeeper and accountant have some work to do before they make the handoff to your tax preparer. Reach out to them and ask for the plan. If they dont have one or take a week to respond, its probably time to move on and find someone who gives your business the time and priority it deserves. Above all, know that youre not alone in this. Theres always someone worse off from a tax standpoint than you. That I can promise.Michael Burdick is CEO ofParo, the alternative employment model for the future of finance work, which empowerspeople to do what they love.BusinessCollective, launched in partnership with Citi, is a virtua l mentorship program powered by North Americas most ambitious young thought leaders, entrepreneurs, executives and small business owners.

The Dos and Donts When Looking for a Position

The Dos and Donts When Looking for a PositionThe Dos and Donts When Looking for a PositionThe Dos and Donts When Looking for a PositionIt can be confusing and somewhat discouraging to look for a new lage. Many people feel overwhelmed and simply dont know where to start. Lets face it, most of us dont make a career of finding a job, and there are many hurdles to get over.No matter where you start tactically, I recommend considering a strong business strategy backgrounder. Here are some dos and donts when looking for your next positionDO Start with a job search strategy. Write down your accomplishments make sure you can back up career homeruns with bottom-line results such as revenue growth, team building or organizational changes that drove results.People are always asking me to evaluate their resume. Understand that your resume is simply a written summary that should be easy to evaluate and interpret by future business colleagues. Resumes dont get people jobs. But your replies to the questions it provokes could. Make your resume work within the above strategy you craft.DONT Assume networking sites are for personal use only.Social networking sites have hidden land mines, so utilize these tools with discretion and understand the culture of the community. According to CNN, 34 percent of hiring managers chose not to hire a candidate based on what they found in profiles. Future employers are looking for candidates who will fit their culture, therefore controversial information such as inappropriate photographs on Facebook are evidence of poor communication skills and lack of maturity.Networking sites are often viewed by recruiters and hiring managers looking for active and passive candidates, so make sure that your profile is updated and positive.DO Seek out executive recruiters.Seek out the best recruiters in your industry, because good recruiters usually will give you a lead, advice and at the very least keep you on the radargert for the next appropriate position.S end your information to appropriate executive search firms and follow up with them every couple of months either via email or phone call. Dont get down if they dont get back to you they simply dont have a position that matches your profile.Build your relationships with worthy recruiters who will keep an eye out for people they know and who have taken the time to get to know them.DONT Bad mouth your boss and/or colleagues.Its off-putting and sends a red flag to prospective employers. Most hiring managers are viewing sites and looking for people that have positive comments about past social and business experiences. This includes online mentions. Hiring managers use social networking sites to quickly gain a well-rounded view of potential candidates. According to ComputerWorld, 22 percent of employers said they already pursue social networks to screen candidates, while an additional 9 percent said they are planning to do so.DO Know thy self.The candidates who land jobs understand valu e, crafting the best strategy that communicates that value and how to assert a winning attitude. How can you be one of those candidates? Know thy self understand how your skills and qualifications relate to the position you are applying for. Then write a brief, to-the-point cover letter stating what value you bring and how it relates to the company and their needs.DONT Be discouraged.If a recruiter doesnt call you back it doesnt mean youre not right for their niche, but they work for companies that hire them to find talent to identify specific profiles.DO Talk about solutions.Refer to industry trends and ask for a meeting to talk about future growth dare to be smarter and talk about business problems and solutions.DONT Just push send.The www is a rocky road and can be a big waste of time if youre not focused. Please dont press send before looking up the company, do your homework and understand business needs.Searching for a position is work, and work takes effort and a lot of time. Its easy to be discouraged in this market, but hiring managers can only find you if you are putting yourself out there. You need to be vigilant in keeping up with specific job boards, networking communities, friends and past colleagues. Talk about business solutions by asking pertinent questions. Know the company and marketplace before sending your resume. Keep your profile professional and updated and dont lose heart, you will find a position.